Monday, April 18, 2011

Concerts Galore...

 I hopped in the car and headed North on Friday for a fun filled weekend in the Metroplex. I picked up Tate, Janelle, and Michael from the airport and went to meet Ali at Hotel ZaZa. When checking in I found out I was eligable for their VIP Rewards program... WHAT! I know get Bud Light with my turn down service haha I'll take it! Alison's friend Mallory met us poolside for drinks on the Dragonfly patio. It was soon time for me to take Tate and her friends to American Airlines Center for the Travis Barker, Nicki Minaj, Little Wayne concert. This is not my cup of tea but it turned out to be one heck of a time! I love any chance to hangout with my sister and her friends... Its fun to be act 18 again haha...Oh to be that young and wild again. Between performers we took a bathroom break at what eneded up being the perfect time... we got to meet and take a picture with Travis Barker.

After the concert I dropped Tate and her friends off at the airport, so they could go to Senior Prom the next day in Abilene, then picked up Rachel and her sister Sarah so we could go meet Ali Knox Street Pub. Knox was crowded, full of loud music, laughter, and lots of fun!
Saturday was Ali's BIRTHDAY!!! That morning we woke up, planned out our busy day and put it in action...Cupcakery was first on the list! I just had to show the girls my favortie new cupcake place, its pink, its bright, fun, serves champagne with your cupcake, and is right up my ally! Brunch was next on the list but soon slowed our roll. We went to Bread Winners, it was delicious, beautiful outside, as we ate on the patio we watched all the teams for a local pub crawl that was going on, planned our next years Kentucky Derby party, and waited...and waited... and WAITED for our check. An hour and fifteen minutes after we had finished our meal we finally got our check! This threw a major cog in our wheel and we no longer had time to go look at wedding dresses for Rach... looks like another girls trip to Dallas in our near future! Twist my arm!

Since dress shopping was now out of the question we skipped to the next thing on our list... going to The Renissance in Ft Worth to check in and get ready for the Kenny Chesney, Zach Brown Band, Billy Currington, Uncle Cracker concert! Little did we know our brunch delay would not be the only set back we would have... as we hit our exit just .3 miles from our hotel we got stuck in bumper to bumper traffic for 45 minutes... Ali ran out of gas in the middle of this fiasco and I could not get to her because I was stuck several cars back. The plan was to leave for the concert at 3:45... We arrived at the hotel at 3:50... FAIL! We were determined not to let these little set back ruin our day so we rushed to get ready and got on the road to Cowboys Stadium, singing Kenny the whole way there and laughing about our crazy day. We parked at my dad's restaraunt, the Fishbone, I took the girls in to see the place and have a drink before we walked across the street to the concert. We walked in to the concert at the perfect time! IT WAS A BLAST! I am so thankful my dad was able to get us tickets! We sang, danced, screamed and it could not have gotten any better! The people around us got an added experience at the concert, added vocals by Natalie McCarty and Alison Shepherd... Im sure they loved it! Singing about going coastal, "cold drinks chillin in my right hand", and sweet summertime, sure made me ready for the beach and lazy days at the lake this summer!

 After the concert we were still high on life and not through singing so we hit up Pete's Piano Bar to close out our night and end Rachel and Alison's Birthday weekend with a bang!

Sunday came and before we traveled back home we enjoyed a fabulous brunch at Joe T Garcia's! My voice is hoarse, my eyes a little puffy from lack of sleep, a bruise on my shin from who knows what... Successful weekend in my book!

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