Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Valentine's trip 2012...

The Friday before Valentine's Day I packed Jeff's suitcase, told him to get in the car and we were going away together for the weekend. He was not very happy with this, he kept asking a million questions and getting rather flustered he couldn't figure out what we could possibly be doing. As we entered Houston and he could tell on GPS we were almost to the location I plugged in he grew nervous ha once at the pub we were supposed to be meeting at he claimed he wasn't going in... After a little convincing he got out of the car and went inside. There he saw Keith and Bailey and was thrilled! Both guys were shocked... They ordered food and beers!

Little did they know we were getting back in the car and heading to NOLA! We gave them each a gift bag with Mardi Gras beads, liquor, fake gambling chips, and a brochure for Chateau Orleans (the place we always stay in NOLA) and they thought we were kidding! Soon after Josh walked in and we all left to go pick up Jes and we were on our way! Josh was so sweet and drive us all the way there and graciously handled our million bathroom requests! What a sport!
Nola's lights were bright and inviting on Bourbon Street... We couldn't say no! Late in the evening we spent our money on valuable things like these classy tshirts...
Krystal Burger late night snacks were a must!
We painted the town until about 5am then finally called it a night.
Saturday we tried our luck at Harrah's casino and went to a Mardi Gras parade. They are very serious about throwing beads and spare no one...Jeff got hit in the face by some beads and Bailey got her drink knocked out of her hand by a wad of beads thrown from a balcony. Jeff and I turned in about 10:30 while the rest of the gang hit up Bourbon Street again.
Sunday before we returned to CS we went to brunch at Cafe Atchafalaya and we were so glad we did! It was Ah-Mah-Zing!!!! Delicious! Fabulous! You name it! Go there!
We ended the trip with dinner in Houston at Twin Peaks then returned home. Such a fun time! Can't wait to do it again!

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