Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Oh Baby Our Circus is Growing Again...

I know what you're thinking... They must be crazy! With 3 cats and 2 dogs already we can safely say we will not be getting any more animal babies any time soon!
We're having a BABY!
Yep that's right... Baby S is due April 17th and we couldn't be any more excited!
I found out August 8th, the day before we left for Padre, I was so excited and so nervous. My doctor won't see you until you are at 9 weeks so those 5 weeks of waiting to hear that lil heartbeat seemed like forever! Thankfully Jeffrey got off work and came to town to go to my first appointment and see my first ultrasound! It was such an amazing experience for us.
I am 14 weeks today and officially in my second trimester!
My first trimester was a doozie to say the least... I spent most of the past 8 weeks with my head in the toilet, crying, or sleeping. I was just an absolute joy to be around let me tell you! Melanie swears to me it will end soon and Im holding her to that! Special thanks to Tate for putting up with me daily since Jeff has been gone for work since before I found out. She has been so great to change my cat litter boxes, listen to my gripes, and provide me with lots of baked potatoes and baked potato soup! Jeff got home from Birmingham this past Friday just in time for ACL and my second trimester to start... Smart man hah! Since he has been gone my mom got to go with me to my most recent doctor visit and I'm so glad she did... It was nice not having to go alone.
So I will try to answer anything else you might be wondering...
We are planning on finding out the gender of our little sweet pea... I can't wait!
We do have names picked out which we will share at some point.
I wouldn't say I have an actual baby belly yet...I'm still looking like I just ate a few too many enchiladas. But my jeans are definitely getting snug in the waist.
I always thought I would tell Jeff, my mom,Tate, and Erica in a cute way once I became preg but when the moment came I was freaking out and just called them all instead hah... Jeff was already gone on his away rotations for school so Tate told my dad she was homesick and he flew in to visit us. Once at dinner we admitted to him that the real reason we wanted him to come to town is so we could see his face when I told him I was pregnant... And boy was it worth it! His reaction was one I will never forget!
We told Jeff's parents right before his dads birthday so we gave them this little card that Jeff had printed off...

The funniest reaction we got was from my little cousin Landrie. When I called to tell her I was having a baby she squeeled and said "like do you have a big ole belly? Will it be here in time to go to The Nutcracker? Is it a boy or a girl? I sure hope it's a girl bc if it's a boy that's going to be weird for you because you will have to see his parts!" She is such a character! I cannot wait to see her interact with this baby!

Other exciting news is my sister in law Erica is due with her 4th baby February 17th! So by spring we will have two new babies to love on! If only I could convince her and Daniel to find out the gender of their baby too haha.
Please pray for Baby S and our growing little family!
We are so blessed!


  1. I couldn't be more excited about this! I'm glad you're in your 2nd trimester now and we can shout it from the roof tops! :) I love little Sweet Pea already!

  2. Congrats! Can't wait to see sweet belly pics in the coming months!
