Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Birthday and a baby bump...

Yep 26 years old! Sunday was my birthday and it seemed as though I woke up a year older and had a baby bump all of the sudden! I must say I'm glad to see that lil bump getting bigger, after being so sick for weeks on end I still have not gained any weight. NONE. So I've been a little worried wondering if my lil sweet pea is getting enough nutrients to grow in there... But Sunday when I woke up and got dressed there it was, a baby bump, more than just an overstuffed food belly!!! Even Jeff and Tate noticed that it looked bigger.
So here it is... 15 Weeks!

Next time I will try to wear a more figure flattering shirt so you get a better idea but I was in a hurry to get to the gym so I just had Tate snap a quick one!
Now back to the Birthday celebration... It is no secret that I love birthdays! Not just mine, anyone's! I received so many calls, texts, messages online, cards, gifts and even some visitors! My friends and family sure know how to make a girl feel special! Mendy and Alex came to spend the weekend with us, they arrived Friday around 9 with a white chocolate raspberry bundt cake from Nothing Bundt Cake! One of my favorites! Us girls instantly dug in while the boys made themselves a lil adult beverage. We spent time catching up and then the boys decided to go to the bar but needed a ride so we dropped them off at Northgate around 11. They left swearing we wouldn't have to wake up to come get them and that they would just get a cab or have a friend bring them home... Sound asleep and both of our phones ring, surprise surprise it's the boys needing a ride home from the bar hah at least they were being safe.
Saturday morning we went to brunch at La Bodega, left the boys at Corner Bar, and went for pedicures with Tate! After going to buy me some maternity jeans we hit up Northgate, went to some tailgates, and then posted up at Corner to watch the Bama game {Roll Tide!}

Side note: I got this delicious edible arrangement from my mom and sis and devoured it in 3 days... No shame!

Sunday was my actual Birthday, Jeff, Tate and I went to Houston, did some shopping at The Galleria and ate at the Melting Pot! Delicious and so fun!
Thanks everyone who made my Birthday so special!

Here we go 26!

1 comment:

  1. Love that Sweet Pea bump! And I'm glad you had a wonderful birthday but not so glad that we're turning 26 this year! Yikes! I feel like we should still be 18!! LOVE!
