Friday, January 25, 2013

Life lately...

Lately I have been quite the complainer... Always finding something new to add to my list of woes. It's awful but I just couldn't shake it!
"My back is killing me... This heartburn is horrid... Leg cramps are terrible... I can't get comfortable... I'm exhausted...I'm so ready to not be pregnant and to just have this sweet baby to love on"
Gripe, gripe, gripe!
Poor Jeff, Mom and Tate having to listen to my complaints daily!

I am 28 weeks pregnant, officially in my third trimester!
Here's a lil about Preston:
He is a big lil guy... Measuring at 29 weeks and 5 days (I was 28 weeks and 1 day along) ... And weighing 3.0 pounds!
We were not surprised that he is measuring ahead of schedule, actually we've wondered about his size the whole pregnancy bc Jeff weighed almost 12 pounds when he was born haha!
Here's a little about me:
I have gained 11 pounds so far... My belly button is still in but not for much longer I'm afraid... Feeling a little more tired in the afternoons these days...however Im still dragging my butt to the gym twice a week (thanks to Tate).
I had an ultrasound at my appointment yesterday to check in on PT.
Seeing that lil guy made me have an attitude adjustment!
Seeing him was magical and made all my aches and pains seem so worth it and all my gripes seem so silly!
Last night I laid in bed and thought about how fast this pregnancy is really going by... Most days I don't see it that way but I remembered my first doctors appointment and her telling me that my last scheduled ultrasound would be at 28 weeks... 28 weeks I thought to myself dang that is forever away! But here we are well into the 28th week!
Before I went to bed I decided I will make the most of the rest of my pregnancy! I will take longer showers, enjoy fixing my hair and make up, go to sleep a little earlier, sleep in a little later, cherish my quiet times, walk my pups a little more often, love on those cats of ours just a lil longer each day, and make the most of each moment alone with Jeff...
Because soon the dynamic of our little circus is going to change... we look so forward to adding another member!
How sweet it is!

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