Friday, December 21, 2012


Lately it seems like my belly is growing bigger by the hour.
So many more people now noticing it, now touching it (which I could go without but they never ask), asking me when I'm due and so on.
This last week I had a customer, who I see twice a week, say "Nat are you expecting?" I said "yes"... He continues with "well last week I couldn't even tell you were pregnant and this week you look really big!" Hummm not sure how to respond to that... I just said "yah and I'll only be getting bigger!"
Even Tate and Jeff can tell how much it is changing from day to day... We can now see his sweet kicks and jabs as they move my shirt. He's a little party guy! He loves to move around, especially at night when I'm laying down watching TV, it's like he has a party each night in there!
I'm definitely feeling very pregnant these days! My pregnancy app says my uterus is now the size of a soccer ball... I believe it!
Here's a little comparison so you can see just how much this belly changes in a matter of 4 weeks!

Here I am a few weeks ago...
And here I am now...

Yes I had my trainer, Julie, take my photo at the gym after we worked out... It's hard to find time to take a picture when I actually have make up on haha.
Even though I'm feeling veryyy big most days, I am really liking this stage in my pregnancy!
Here are a few answers to things I am often asked these days...I am feeling rested most of the time, my wedding ring is still on, my belly button is still in (not popped out yet), I do wear maternity jeans but not maternity tops, I have gained 8 pounds so far, and a baby shower is in the works.

Stay tuned because I'll be back soon and bigger than ever ;D

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